What is it?
A complimentary service provided by HypePanda to give all our customers a piece of mind whenever they purchase from us.
Who gets this?
All customers who purchase from HypePanda via website or WhatsApp.
Why is this necessary?
As the market grows bigger, more enforcements are taking actions to seize many import parcels. Most sellers only provide replacement if the parcel is lost or seized within China. If your parcel gets seized in your country, they do not reimburse you. HypePanda goes one step further to guarantee your parcel all the way to your doorstep.

Prevent this from happening to you. Risk is always present whether you acknowledge it or not.
You lose not only your money but your time.
This is also the reason why we ship each pair of sneakers separately. Other sellers and agents will always push for hauls because they save a lot on shipping.
Agents have no responsibility to reimburse, what happens to these customers? We can’t speak for them.
At HypePanda, we spare no expense to ensure our customers get what they paid for.
Where is this option?
HypePanda Shipping Insurance is automatically included in all eligible orders. No actions are required on customers’ part.
How does this benefit me?
You can shop and buy with confidence knowing that if anything happens, your orders are protected. We will reimburse whichever that was not delivered at no extra cost to you.